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Holding Space for Children to Heal

Helping children make sense of their big feelings and learn how to thrive in a big world.


Does your child feel overwhelmed by their big feelings?

Together, your child and I will work to make sense of those big feelings and learn fun tricks and tools to help your child regain control of their emotions



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at turpis dolor. Mauris rutrum tincidunt odio eget venenatis. Phasellus ornare neque in velit scelerisque, eu lobortis dui efficitur. Suspendisse potenti. Cras consequat nec risus et elementum. Phasellus quis nisi ligula.


 Your child wants to feel heard and understood, but sometimes they don’t have the right tools or language to communicate.

I can help your child understand their emotions and learn how to regulate them, even in new and overwhelming situations.